Sleeping can be your Weight Loss Program!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Most people do not make the relation between losing weight and sleep. People who are looking at shedding a few unwanted pounds do a lot of things, but they don’t give importance to adequate sleep, which is a crucial mistake because lack of sleep can impair metabolic functions and hormonal processes, due to which the weight loss program is severely disrupted.

If you don’t sleep, you tend to feel hungrier more often. Also, your impaired metabolism won’t help you in gaining any control over your weight.

When you lose your sleep, a hormone named cortisol begins acting in a highly erratic manner. Instead of managing the appetite, the hormone helps the person to consume an added amount of calories and retain them in the body as fat. Also, carbohydrates cannot be utilized properly in the body, leading to an increased level of glucose in the blood.

Because of this excessive amount of glucose, the secretion of insulin increases. This might cause obesity and even diabetes.

In case sleep is deprived, another thing that happens is that you get a craving for sweet and hi! gh carbohydrate foods. This will directly be converted into fats and get retained in the body. Also, the body will develop a fondness for junk foods rather than healthy foods. Though these junk foods might provide some quick energy to the body, they will only pile up empty calories. This is useless because it does not give any nutritional value to the body.

The extra calories that the junk foods introduce into the body cannot be removed easily.

There is another aspect that we need to consider. If we do not sleep in the right measure, we are prone to becoming sluggish and lethargic. We will not be motivated to exercise at all and, rather than that, we might just want to binge on more weight loss program. People who lead sedentary lives d! o tend to eat more of junk foods. We can do without these calories entering in our bodies.

There are people who need up to 10 hours of sleep a day to stay fit and healthy.

However, at least 8 hours of sleep is the norm for everyone. This keeps your day brighter – you eat well, you exercise well and your weight loss really happens. The National Sleep Foundation conducts regular surveys on people’s sleep patterns. It has found that only 3 out of 10 people are sleeping well. Some sleep more on weekends than on weekdays, but most people sleep for no more than 6.5 hours a day.

Americans suffer from obesity in considerable measure. One of the main reasons for their obesity is that they don’t sleep adequately. It is extremely important to change these unhealthy sleep patterns so that a better life could be enjoyed.



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