Lose Weight and Keep it Off – Avoid These Common Mistakes

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss


When it comes to quick weight loss, many people will often give up on achieving their goals in a matter of weeks. The main reason for this is that they find the diet and exercise regime they are using too restrictive. But there are other mistakes that people are regularly making which ensures that their fat loss goals are not achieved. Below we look at just what some of these are.

Mistake 1 – Many people when trying to lose weight feel that they should be standing on the scales regularly (daily or weekly) to see if their weight loss goals are being achieved. In many cases the weight loss will be so small that it doesn’t show up on the weighing scales. You will soon then become frustrated with what you are trying to achieve and eventually you will probably decide to give up because the results you are after aren’t being reached.

Instead rather than standing on the scales to see if fat loss is being achieved use a mirror instead. Whilst stood in front of a mirror, get yourself a tape measure and take measurements around areas of your body especially your bum, hips, waist, chest, arms and thighs. Then every week or couple of weeks redo these measurements.

Mistake 2 – A great many people feel that by counting the calories they consume is the most effective and easy way to lose weight. The problem with using this way to lose weight is that you may find that you losing essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals that your body needs to function properly.

Rather what you should be doing is watching and monitoring how much of the 3 main food groups you are consuming each day. Once you get to know the types of foods that contain fat, protein and carbohydrates you can work on monitoring them and reducing how much of these you eat each day.



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