Five Tips To How I Lost Weight And Have Never Gained Weight Again

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

If you are fighting excess weight, then you probably know losing the pounds can be both difficult and frustrating. However, there are five secrets that majorly influence how lost weight can be rid of forever.


Many people will never know that these secrets can make weight loss so much easier. Losing weight will never be easy, but if you work hard at it, you can lose up to 45 pounds in the next 30 days. Does this allow you to reach your target weight?You will never have to worry about gaining weight again, once you have discovered the truth behind these secrets.


The first secret to weight loss is to talk to your doctor. This may not be a secret as such, but it is something that most people overlook. When you talk to your doctor he or she may be able to look at your health history and determine the exact cause of your problem. In some causes, your medical condition moves beyond healthy eating and exercising.


When you talk to your doctor, you can easily get to the bottom of your problem and learn useful tips to losing weight. Be aware that if your doctor is prescribing you medication and you have been taking it for a prolonged amount of time. Ask yourself, is it actually working, only you can really decide?


Another great secret to weight loss is to improve your posture. Ok, this is not exactly a way to lose weight, but it will certainly make you look thinner! Good posture, whether you are standing or sitting, will immediately slim your body. All of us stand up straight in dressing rooms when trying on new clothes, but if you truly want to look like you’ve lost weight, good posture is needed at all times.


This can also help with the weight loss process itself because good posture when you perform exercises will lead to more effective workouts.


The third secret to lose weight is to get your whole family involved. It can be very tempting to ditch the salad for a hamburger with your husband or a taco with your wife, but if your whole family is eating healthy foods, weight loss won’t seem so depressing. Be certain to keep the junk food out of the house completely, and everyone will be healthier.


The fourth secret is one of the most convenient secrets to help lose weight. The key is to think about your weight in terms of everyday life. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the most distant parking spot at the mall or at work and walk to the front door. Substitute coffee for tea in the morning. Play outside with your children instead of staying indoors. Go dancing instead of seeing a movie.


These little things may not make a big impact on your life in general, but if you do them on a regular basis, the burnt calories will add up and you will start to see real results.


Finally we’ve reached the last secret. This is by far secrets that has ever existed in the weight loss market. The reason that you can’t lose the weight or do lose the weight, but then with utter despair always gain it back is:


“All the other diets, diet foods, organic foods, healthy foods, medicines and all the rest don’t work in this modern technological age because they were deliberately designed not to!”


Unfortunately there is not enougth room in this article to fully explain the truth behind what may seem to be crazy and make believe.But what I will tell you now is that world-famous Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst came fourth and blew the lid off the conspiracy of the doctors and food companies that keep you fat and sick. Now she has created a breakthrough program that will keep you out of the vicious cycle of “lose weight, gain weight” that keeps them filthy rich.


Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a former over weight mother who also fough with her body fat AND WON!If you found these secrets interesting and want to learn the truth behind the biggest kept secret in dieting history. Visit her main site at and see how lost weight is stopped from returning forever.


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