A review of the Insanity Workout

Posted at by ifydcat on category diet

We all recognize that working out on a habitual basis is one of the most excellent things we can do for our health. But not every workout plan is the same, obviously enough. Sure, a small bit of working out is better than none but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a lot of exercise is better than a little. Actually the two most important factors are your exercise intensity and the sort of workout you perform. Of all the workout DVDs available online, the Insanity Workout has found approval with lots of folks.

The creative ideas behind the Insanity Workout come from a man called Shaun T. The universe of online fitness knew of Shaun T. previously. He created the Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body workouts. Shaun T. is renowned offline as well. Folks such as Mariah Carey, Val Kilmer, and even the Elephant Man took dance and fitness coaching from Shaun T. He counts the LA Lakers, Marc Jacobs, and Nike among his corporate clients. You would not be exaggerating if you said he’s competent and qualified.

Max Interval Training is the name of the exercise program given on the Insanity Workout DVD. The basic approach is for you to perform maximum-length intervals at the peak intensity with only brief rest periods in between. Traditional interval work is not at all the same because it involves only brief periods of near-maximum intensity and much more time spent on moderate intensity exercise. This helps you do exactly as much exercise as you are capable of undertaking. Each workout involves cardio workouts, sports training, and plyometrics. In the course of each workout you move from one of these exercises to the next whenever you’re able, resting barely long enough to recover to the point where you can start again.

We found almost entirely favorable endorsements of this program. And it’s great to see that lots of of the good comments aren’t even by affiliates trying to sell the program on commission. You’d expect that the sales page would include great endorsements, but you can actually find several other favorable comments if you just search the web using Google too. This positive response can be explained because many people find that when subjected to this ultra-intense training regime their bodies really do thrive. It is why so many of the intense workout programs are such good sellers. But you’ll want to be quite sure that you’re not just reading some made-up excitement from an affiliate who will earn a commission if you buy, when you look for honest reviews of this system.

The cost of this program is not cheap. You’ll need to shell out a hefty sum of money, more than $100, lots more than some other sources charge for workout programs that may be comparable. The workout program does come with a number of bonuses, though, and that is nice–so you get plenty of material for the currency that you are going to spend. There is also a thirty day money back guarantee which helps us trust this program.

In summary, this popular exercise program has a few minuses and lots of pluses. Just remember that your body may need to work up to the level of condition required to make this kind of program a victory.


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