Reasons Advocating Use Of Water For Weight Loss!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Everyone should consume 8 or more 8 to 10 oz glasses of water per day because there are more effects of water except burning fats.

Intake of enough water is the begining of any good weight loss program. Water is probably the water is good for weight loss rule that is most over-looked and not everyone realizes what it can really do for you – no matter what diet program you are on.

At least in developed countries it is cheap, safe and is easy to get.  It taste good and has no side-effects.It allows you to save your hard earned money on supplements that aren’t really effective.

Waer is not liked by some people due to it’s taste so they don’t drink enough water.But there are other reasons that someone doubtlessly comes up with a new reason every day.

But I am one skeptic who has seen the advantages.  6 months ago, I could barely walk because of back spasms and knee pain as well as being about 40 lbs overweight.  I was also short of breath and just a walk from my apartment to my car was something that I almost could not do.I live in a second story apartment and have a aversion to stairs that are not very long – but I had difficulty in going up the stairs and was completely out of breath before entering through my front door.So I was nearly homebound.

I was borderline high blood pressure and my blood tests were almost at the point of diabetes.I was only 58 which is not very old according to today’s standards.  I had already been warned several times by my doctor to work on my weight but — my back hurt, I was too tired, and I couldn’t breathe. And I had acid reflux disease.

Today I can go up and down the stairs and have lost 30 lbs.I have no problem in going to my car and my blood pressure is good.I am free from acid reflux. My back only hurts sporadically and when it does concern me, it is not the serious back pain that kept me from walking.Now, I will acknowledge I am not running any races or walking far a day, but I am more forceful than I was in years.

It really wasn’t that hard to do. I truly didn’t change my diet except for reducing my portions (still eat chocolate chip mint ice cream).I have put away all candy or snacks and everything in my refrigerator is now of low fat or no fat.I have also decrease my diet drinks with caffeine in half so these alterations are not that much of a big deal.

As much water as I can drink in my daily routine I take to the fullest.My theory is that I have credibly been dehydrated for long time which put my whole body out of swath.  Water – just water is good for weight loss from my water faucet – not ice cold with a lot of  ice cubes – just water, plain, and unflavored water.

So I am living proof – water is good for weight loss as well as a lot of other good health changes and benefits.


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