How to Lose 15 Pounds Pronto!

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

Lots of people think that losing 15 pounds is an impossible dream. You have done what you can to lose the flab, but it just seems so hard.  I’d really like to give you a helping hand.  I’m know what it’s like because I’ve been there myself.  I want you to know that I finally overcame my weight issues, and so can you.  In many ways, it’s quite simple to lose weight, that’s the good news, but it does take some effort.

There are 2 simple areas in life where you can make changes and get the results you really want. It basically comes down to this – you will need to be careful about the type and amount of food you eat and you will need to increase the amount you exercise.  I’m now going to let you in on some basic ideas that helped me to lose 50 pounds.  Time is of the essence, let’s get cracking!

For an excellent guide on losing 15 pounds fast, check out Fast Ways to Lose Weight

The first step: Food!

If you want to lose the weight quickly, you will have to be very careful about your calorie and fat intake. It’s very likely that you’ll want to lose the weight quickly, so some big changes will have to happen.  If you stop and think about it, by definition, diets are short-term.  Diets can help you lose the fat fast, but nutritious eating and exercise will be long-term.  Make the shift from ‘I want to lose weight’ to ‘I want to be healthy.  I made this change, and it really did make all the difference for me. I won’t go into all the particulars about what you should and shouldn’t do, you’ve heard this all before.  When making decisions about what to eat, think about what’s healthy, not what will drop those pounds, trust me.

When looking at your eating, the obvious applies: Stay away from fatty, high sugar, and salty foods – occasionally indulge, but make it very occasional. I can’t stress how important it is to plan out when you eat fatty foods, don’t just let circumstances dictate when you indulge.

Here’s an excellent resource for losing fat quickly You can Lose 40 Pounds

Let me see your Body Talk!

To really burn the fat, it’s important to get your heart rate to fairly high levels, and hold it there many times per week.  I personally recommend working out 4 times per week for 45 minutes.  What amazed me about this was not the weight loss, but the energy I got back from it.  I was stunned, expending energy gives you so much more energy, [amazing?incredible]!  I always find that burning fat is most successful when you’re having fun: kickboxing, a fast walk or sprint, an aerobics session, high intensity dvd’s, treadmills, get to your closest gym, there are endless possibilties.  Try a few and see which you like.

The important part is to ensure it becomes a regular part of your life, make it realistic and schedule fitness into your day – it is so important, I cannot stress this enough.  Finally, at least one workout a week should be of very high intensity, your metabolism will skyrocket and energy will just come flooding in.

I’ve devised a favourite list of mine to help burn calories, I find them both fun and effective.  Check them out:

  • Get up and down those stairs quickly, but be careful!
  • Run in the same place keeping your knees high
  • Do squats
  • Do some skipping, it’s fun!
  • Do some jump jacks
  • Push-ups
  • Here’s one you may not enjoy, sit-ups – ouch!

So there are my suggestions, in some ways basic, but if you make it regular, you will shift those pounds. The trick is to put these strategies into your daily ritual.  These are the major steps, keep an eye on fat, sugar, and salt, get to the gym or use some other method above to burn fat, and burn some calories.  Master these and the weight will absolutely melt away.  Remember, it’s all about your health not a fad diet – you can get that slim body back, best wishes!

I sincerely hope that you will put these steps into practice, if you feel you need to lose even more pounds, head on over to You can Lose 40 Pounds


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