Getting Yourself to Eat Healthier The Easy Way

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

I think just about everybody knows how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet. While you may be aware of the fact that you need to start eating better, you may be one of the thousands of people that just cannot seem to make the necessary changes. Most people never start because they are overwhelmed with the amount of information available, or they try to change everything in one step. Dietary changes do not have to be difficult. Below are the top tips on how to eat healthier to make your diet succeed.


Eat a wide variety of foods:  Your body needs something like 40 different nutrients to function properly. You will not find all of the necessary nutrients in a single item of food or supplement. A daily diet should be comprised of three to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, three servings of whole grains, dairy, lean protein, and fish. You can disguise foods that you don’t enjoy by incorporating them into your favourite recipes, and don’t forget you can prepare foods in a multitude of different ways to give them unique flavours to keep you interested. See if you can grab new recipe ideas from the Internet, or scour cookbooks to give you fresh ideas. Not only will learning new recipes give you more variety if you cook for somebody else, it will also keep you from getting bored with your new diet.


Eat small to moderate portions:  It is extremely important to keep portion sizes under control. One of the most common mistakes people make is consuming unreasonable portions, even of foods that are healthy. The best sized portion of meat is typically around about the size of a deck of playing cards, roughly 3 ounces. A medium sized piece of fruit is equal to one serving, and a half a cup of pasta is one serving.


Eat regular meals:  Do not be tempted to miss meals! Some people think the secret is just to eat less food in order to be healthier. It can often mean the opposite. Skipping meals often causes people to consume more food when they do eat. Plus you will find that if you are hungry during the day you may be more tempted to grab a quick snack, often from vending machines which conveniently forget the health options.


Know your downfalls:  In order to design a healthier eating program, it is important to understand what is wrong with your current diet. A fantastic way to keep an eye on your eating habits is to write down everything you eat for a full seven days. Then, review the list and look for areas that could be improved. For example, if you find you eat a lot of butter & cheese etc then consider substituting them with healthier options or saving them for a treat a few times a week. Also, keep a careful eye on the amount of fruit and vegetables you consume. If you find you are not eating enough then the easiest way to increase your consumption is to try to integrate them into your main meals, add vegetables into any meal that you can and use fruit either as the only dessert, or to supplement whatever dessert you are having.


Do not eliminate favorite foods: Make diet changes gradually. We need to except small changes along the way which will build into big changes in the end, if you move too fast then you will find it hard to accept the changes and often revert back to your old ways. Most people get pleasure out of eating so it is important that you do not feel deprived. You can still have many of your favorite foods by making simple modifications. Substitute low fat or fat free dairy products for full fat versions and reduce fat from meat by choosing leaner cuts. Making changes in preparation can also save a great deal of fat and calories. You could may be used olive oil and some fresh herbs and spices to our taste to meals instead of smothering along with processed sources, and make sure you stay away from deep fat fried food.

If you would like more information on eating healthily then have a look at this health website.


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