Foods That Make Us Fat: An Epidemic In The Western World.

Posted at by ifydcat on category weight loss

As North Americans and other Western European  countries continue to struggle with the epidemic of obesity, we must ask ourselves one very important question.

Why is 64% of our population obese or overweight? we can resume this in a four letter word: food. In North America we have a lifestyle of eating quickly and a lot. Accross North America in in many other developed countries we have a tradition of overeating like if food was going to be rare, we eat toomuch and don’t exercise a lot.

We have unfortunately left control of our food industry to the hands of lobbies. Lobbies for the promotion of sugar and other substitutes, Lobbies for the freedom of eating what we want, payed by fast food companies to promote their industry. Lobbies for the meat industry…

They all encourage the food processing industry to add more and more calories under the cover of marketing strategies such as low fat, low sugar, low salt, cholesterol free…
Now almost everybody who needs to lose weight is buying low fat, low sugar, low salt..products. But people are still gaining weight . Sounds like it doesn’t make sense. But it actually does.

By eating more of these low fat or fat free foods that are artificially tasty, you’re actually eating 30 % more calories than you should and more than eating full fat foods! Wow. But eating full fat foods is not good either so we are caught in the vicious circle of the food industry. The key is to keep all of your health decisions in your hands.

Learning all about what’s in the food you eat and what is a good source of fat, the amount of good calories you need daily is part of a sensible eating habit. Do you know how much sugar you eat daily? And what about the lipids. The bad one the good ones? Can you reduce your daily intake of carbs?

No more bread ,pastas, fries. You could do it for a while but how long. But can you sustain that type of dieting  and calorie checking all the time? That’s the ultimate question. If you are discipline enough maybe, but most of us aren’t. It is for these reasons that many of us are overweight or obese. Remember that most fat deposits accumulated are almost all food related. and difficult to eliminate because of  the type of lifestyle we have in the 21 th century.

Our Body is an incredible complex machine.” Whenever we eat these fats, sugars and starches, anything over our immediate needs signals our bodies to store the rest as fat.

You see, we’re still programmed with our caveman genes – when food was scarce and building fat reserves was the only way for surviving the lean times.

Today, food isn’t scarce…in fact, just the opposite is true. But our body often reacts like it hasn’t received food for weeks. During the ice age men would accumulate reserves of fat but now it’s become a huge problem for most North Americans.

So simply put, we gain weight because our fat stores are simply overwhelmed, packing up far too many fat molecules for what is immediately needed.

This results in a stockage of fat all over the body.  

That’s why if you are serious about losing weight you should not only count on dieting and also explore the market of diet pills. Even if there is alot of poor products in the diet pill industry their still are a few shinning stars that can be considered as reliableweight management product. Click here for more details on how to achieve a healthy weight and control effectively the sources that create excess pounds.


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